perm filename SET.MSG[AM,DBL] blob sn#170538 filedate 1975-07-25 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
∂14-JUL-75  1331		FOL,RWW
 It seems that from an incomplete survey that WED and MON afternoons
 is a good time for some and particuliarly good for me.  It is my 
 intension to meet in my office (unless we don't all fit) regularly on
 WED afternoons at 4:00 til about 6:00.  I would like to start this week 
 so some immediate feedback on this choice would be nice.  A note 
 finalizing this WED will be sent sometime Thusday.  I hope to cover the 
 material below and depending on what the group seems most interested 
 in to weigh it in different ways.  If there is enough interest I might 
 extend this into the fall as there is a lot of things to do.
 For factual information about sets I intend use Cohen's
 book as a text and recommend you getting a copy.  Each week I expect
 to cover some section of this book.  In addition each week I will assign 
 some "philosophical" reading in an attempt to shed light on what questions
 were being asked by the people who found the currently popular axiom 
 systems.  This reading is supposed to be fairly simple and basically 
 non technical.  People will be free in addition to "volunteer" to
 present the contents of slightly more technical papers.
 The main interest of this course for AI will involve looking at the 
 various axiomatizations of set theory and finding out what features
 of each are useful in a computational environment.  This hopefully
 will lead to a set of set theoretic principles that make doing 
 mathematics on a computer more "straightforward", that is, more in
 line with mathematical practice.
 Hopefully by summers end you will know the basic differences between
 Zermelo,Zermello-Fraenkel,Godel-Bernays-von Neumann,and Kelly-Morse 
 set theory, as well as something about FOL.